Hatami H, Namdaritabar H, Lotfaliany M, Akbarpour S, Zafari N. Occurrence of HBV and HCV and their Probable Risk Factors in the Newly Registered HIV/AIDS Patients in the Center for Control of Communicable Diseases in 2016. irje 2018; 14 (3) :225-233
1- Department of Public Health, School of Public Health & Environmental and Occupational Hazards Control Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2- HIV/AIDS Unit, Center for Prevention of Communicable Diseases, Ministry of Health, Tehran,, Iran
3- Center for Health Equity, School of Population and Global Health, Universityof Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
4- Department of public health, Tehran University of Medical Scienses, Tehran, Iran
5- Department of Public Health, School of Public Health & Environmental and Occupational Hazards Control Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , neda.zafari@sbmu.ac.ir
Abstract: (4449 Views)
Background and Objectives: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infections could affect the prognosis of disease in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS. We aimed to determine HBV/HCV co-infection in HIV-positive individuals; and to compare the characteristics of different subgroups of HIV/HBV/HCV.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 908 of 2134 newly-registered HIV-positive individuals in the Iranian Ministry of Health in 2016 were recruited. Participants were divided into four subgroups (HBV-/HCV-, HBV+/HCV-, HBV-/HCV+, and HBV+/HCV+). Demographic data and HIV transmission routes were compared between subgroups.
Results: Among908 participants, 505 (60.6%) were HBV-/HCV-, 20 (2.2%) were HBV+/HCV-, 318 (35%) were HBV-/HCV+, and 20 (2.2%) were HBV+/HCV+. Mean age of participants was 36.9 years; 67% were male and 47% were married. The commonest high-risk behaviors were unsafe sex (43.5%) and IV drug-abuse (34.4%). There was no statistically significant difference between the mean ages of subgroups. All HBV+/HCV+ ,92% of HBV-/HCV+, 50% of HBV+/HCV- and 52% of HBV-/HCV- were men and the difference between groups was statistically significant (p-value: <0.001). Seventy four percent of HBV-/HCV+ and 80% of HBV+/HCV+ reported IV drug-abuse. Thirty percent of HBV-/HCV- and 40% of HBV+/HCV- were spouse of HIV-positive or high-risk individuals.
Conclusion: More than 30% of newly registered HIV-positive individuals in the Iranian Ministry of Health in 2016 were co-infected with either HBV or HCV. Frequency of men, marital status and high-risk behaviors were different in various subgroups.
Type of Study:
Research |
Epidemiology Received: 2019/01/7 | Accepted: 2019/01/7 | Published: 2019/01/7
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