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XML Smoking among 15-to 64-Year-Old Iranian People in 2005
S Mehrabi *, A Delavari, Gh Moradi, Esmailnasab N Esmailnasab, A Pooladi, S Alikhani, F Alaeddini
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Sensitivity and Specificity of Visual Screening Tests in Dezful Schoolchildren, 2004
A Fotouhi *, M Khabazkhoob, H Hashemi, K Mohammad
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Modeling Survival Analysis in Gastric Cancer Patients Using the Proportional Hazards Model of Cox
B Moghimi Dehkordi *, A Rajaeefard, HR Tabatabaee, B Zeighami, A Safaee, Z Tabeie
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Comparing Cox Regression and Parametric Models for Survival Analysis of Patients with Gastric Cancer
MA Pourhoseingholi, E Hajizadeh, A Abadi, A Safaee, B Moghimi Dehkordi *, MR Zali
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Case-Control Study of Acute Diarrhea in Children Referred to Dr Sheykh Hospital, Mashhad in 2006
M Khabazkhoob *, A Fotouhi, MR Majdi, A Moradi, Z Haeri Kermani, M Seyed Nozadi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Studying the Degree of Diagnostic Agreement between Medical Records and Death Certificates in Loghman Hospital in 2005
A Akbarzadeh Bagheban *, E Maserat, M Hemmati
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML The Association of a Number of Risk Factors with the Cholera Outbreak of Markazi Province, 2005
B Eshrati *, A Rezaei Ashtiani, F Khazaei, F Torkamani, M Azimi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Relation between Air Pollution Exposure and Onset of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Tehran Heart Center Using a Case-Crossover Design
M Qorbani, M Yunesian *, A Fotouhi, H Zeraati, S Sadeghian, Y Rashidi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Comparing the Distribution of Blood Groups between Volunteer Blood Donors and Drug Rehabilitation Clients in Bam, Case-Control Study
MR Aflatoonian *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Comparison of the Atherogenic Effects of a Standard Diet with Diets Containing Fish Oil and Mixed Oils
M Mohammad Shirazi *, F Taleban, M Sabet Kassaii, A Abadi, M Vafa, KH Zare, F Seyed Ahmadian
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
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